Why you SHOULDN'T do the creative resilience course (And also, why you should!)


Wild Spirit Leadership

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Dear Reader,

Remember Cecilia from yesterday’s email – she had Googled all the ways to be resilient and on a scale of 1-10 she pretty good in the ‘Doing All The Right Things To Be Resilient’ stakes.

So don’t sign up to this course if you are looking for more of the same

information. I’ll save you the time and the 169 euros! Here’s the Google search that will give you more information:

We aren’t going to look at what you can already get for free at the tip of your fingers.

We are going to explore and implement, with practical exercises and tools, 4 mindset shifts that will increase your resilience.

Once you know yourself differently, you act differently. When you act differently, your whole world changes. But you can’t act differently from old thinking.

Without the mindset shifts – all the information in the world won’t change anything.

So, what do we be doing?

In week 1 we start by ditching the current, accepted definition of resilience: ‘Bouncing back after adversity and setbacks.’ That seemingly fine definition keeps women in the worst sacrifice cycles that keep them drained, stuck or powerless to create effective change. I simply can’t let you use that definition anymore. It’s a killer in a world of greater complexity and constant change!

What we are going to do is give a whole new definition to what resilience actually IS.

That will be life changing in itself.

Then we introduce the first mindset shift: From struggle to effort (Force to flow) – If you’re constantly fighting against the system, to get your ideas heard, to be recognized, to be understood.

If you’re generally being a tank, pushing everything through and holding up the world through gritted teeth … the 4% rule will help you get back to the sustainable flow of “right effort.”

Week 2) Problem solving to creating forward – If you’re frustrated from always firefighting, or being pulled down by constant interruptions and demands on your time, this session will help you refocus and strategically position yourself. Setting you up for impact.

Week 3) Certitude to Curiosity: If you’ve been there, done that, heard it all and seen it all and reckon you already know what’s going to happen… Think again. In this session you’ll learn a powerful way to reenergize, get your creativity flowing and open new possibility. Fastest way to optimism there is! And optimism is key to resilience!

Week 4) Resignation to acceptance. If you’re stuck in thought loops, ruminating about the past, berating yourself for past mistakes and angry that some stupid people you work with will never change (but still hope they will)– this session gives you the tools to find grace and leave the past behind so you can concentrate on your future with new energy and vigour.

Don’t sign up if you want more of the same information !

  • Sign up if you want to explore
  • Sign up if you’re tired, jaded or disillusioned
  • Sign up if you’re ready to think differently
  • Sign up if you’re ready to act clearly and swiftly

Resilience is a practice. Sign up here!

With spirited resilient love,


PS : Do you know another strong woman who you’d like to see relax, understand her value, ungrit her teeth and not have to work so hard? Bring her along !

Wild Spirit Leadership

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