What to do if you’re already a beacon of resilience but sometimes it gets too much, even for you!


Wild Spirit Leadership

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Dear Reader,

Meet Cecilia,

Like most women Cecilia is ultra-resilient.

She’s ticked practically all the boxes in her “How To Be More Resilient” Google search:

1) If not daily, she includes regular physical activity and time outside in her weekly routine. (Tip! If you’re not doing this, start now! It’s a definite resilience booster – but not enough to keep your resilience high if your mindset is out of kilter.)

2) She gets plenty of sleep - except for when she wakes up with a tight chest and a racing mind worrying whether she’s doing the right thing and whether she’s in trouble. This seems to happen more and more often given the high stakes and complexity of the ever-changing environment she’s dealing with.

3) She has strong healthy relationships and feels supported by her close ones. But she doesn’t want to burden everyone. It seems everyone has so much to deal with these days – and all her friends are maxed out to their limit dealing with their own problems, so she tries not to add to it. Cecilia also doesn’t want to be that friend that’s always complaining, or whining about things she thinks she should be able to figure out by now.

4) She’s ultimately grateful for the life she has and finds purpose in what she does. She even sometimes has a gratitude practice in the evening which gives her a momentary flicker of hope and warmth. While she feels lucky, she tells herself she should be more appreciative. Sigh, what’s wrong with her? Shouldn’t she be happier?

5) Cecilia takes care of herself. She has time out – she makes it to the hairdresser once a month. She eats well and she has regular dental and doctor visits. Even spa days. Another box tick. Still… she doesn’t feel much real joy too often. Maybe that’s normal at her time of life?

6) Cecilia is action oriented – even if she does overthink her choices. Yes! She still takes action. People know she’s the one to get in and get stuff done. But was it the right thing?

7) She’s made mistakes in her life and learnt from them. The proof – she’s still here to talk about them and has moved on. Except for that one mistake she made a few years back, oh – and that one last week? That plagues her mind.

There are so many things Cecilia does right to be resilient.

Like every adult, she’s overcome her fair share of setbacks – both professional and personal - and things have generally gotten better in her life and her leadership.

Technically, she has nothing to complain about and things are going pretty well.

But she’s drained. Disillusioned. Sometimes anxious. Sometimes even bored!

This is the problem with the way we approach resilience.

Most of the advice is about what you should ‘do’ to be more resilient.

And most women leaders are already doing most of what there is to do to be more resilient. Cecilia is. Are you?

The problem isn’t in the doing. Doing is what you’re good at already! You’re

probably doing yourself into a resilience gap.

The problem is in the completely outdated way we define resilience and in 4

underlying ways of thinking that drain your energy and capacity to thrive. That must change first before you do anything more.

And that’s what I’ll help you do over 4 consecutive weeks starting

June 11th :

  • So everything you already do raises your energy
  • So you can stop doing what doesn’t raise your energy without guilt
  • So you immediately start practicing new ways of thinking and acting that really will make you feel like you’re getting results and can relax at the same time.

Don’t wait, sign up here!

With spirited resilient love,


PS : Do you know another strong woman who you’d like to see relax, understand her value, ungrit her teeth and not have to work so hard? Bring her along !

Wild Spirit Leadership

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