We do nothing big alone! So won't you join us?


Wild Spirit Leadership

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Dear Reader,

I know I’ve flooded your inbox in a slightly obsessive way this week, but only because I love to share my enthusiasm and excitement.

Also because I don’t ever want you to lower your mighty high ambitions or hold more burden simply because you’re resilient – the way it’s currently defined at least.

Whether you choose to attend or not, I want to give you some more things to think about because I take this subject to heart. These messages are my gift to you.

So as a last gift of the week, here are five things I’ve learnt about resilience over the years, that changed my relationship to my own sense of power. I hope that they’ll be useful for you and cause you to think.

I also hope you’ll join me next week to put them in practice!

1. Resilience isn’t just about bouncing back into our old shape from setbacks and adversity. That’s a reactive, incomplete and damaging definition. No ma’am. I shape the landscape as much as the landscape shapes me. I create, therefore I am resilient.

2. The characteristics I show when I’m my favourite self just happen to be the ones I show when I’m most resilient - creative, curious, committed, authentic, adventurous, audacious, cheeky, challenging, and a bit crazy round the edges.

3. “Giving up is always an option.” When giving up is not an option, you can’t be fully committed. Staying committed, even as you face challenges, requires a connection to the long term. Some things need to be given up in the short term for something better to happen in the long term.

4. Forgive yourself. What you can’t accept or forgive will sap the life force out of you in overthinking and harsh judgement. As Maya Angelou said, “When you know better, do better.” Forgive yourself and move on.

5. "We do nothing big alone.” Doing it alone is overrated. Collaborate and care is the new compete and compare. Resilience is a collective process. Let go of trying to do it all by yourself. Solicit more support than you need. Besides – it’s more fun.

Last chance!

Join us for the fun! It starts Tuesday!

With spirited resilient love,


PS : Do you know another strong woman who you’d like to see relax, understand her value, ungrit her teeth and not have to work so hard? Bring her along !

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