Filled with purpose and passion yet destined to be cynical, disillusioned and exhausted. Is this the resilient woman’s fate?


Wild Spirit Leadership

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Dear Reader,

Meet Marie,

She’s unstoppable, determined and strong: a tank.

Through sheer grit and determination she moves every major project forward and has hard won practically every campaign she’s ever led. Whatever you give her, you can count on Marie to get the job done. Even (over)achieve it.

Driven and passionate about her purpose, Marie is also often on edge and generally disillusioned about the general state of leadership. Some days she wonders whether all this is really worth it – especially when she’s using so much energy fighting internally to keep her place amongst the men who relentlessly question her leadership.

She’s also plain exhausted from being strong but can’t see another option to get the job done. People are counting on her after all.

Any of this sound familiar to you?

Marie confuses being strong with being resilient. Marie doesn't think of herself as being resilient. No one really uses that word about her. They just admire her strength. Out of habit and education, she ploughs through all resistance. After all, if she doesn’t, who will?

If she isn’t strong what else could she be? Weak? A giver-upper? That’s not an alternative. So she toughens up and keeps pushing through.

But what if there was another way? Another way to have the impact she wants and keep getting the returns on her energy. Better returns even, so she wouldn’t be so exhausted.

There is! Today’s tip: Shift your mindset from force to flow and your actions will have more impact

Stop wearing your strength like armour and exhausting yourself in the process. You can be a force of nature rather than a tank.

The Creative Resilience course will show you how to shift from force to flow. How to put down your armour and develop the ultimately resilient power of the river that runs within you. If you have the courage to test it.

It starts next week on June 11. The whole 4 week course is only 169 euros and you won’t get better resilience training anywhere else at such a low investment level.

With spirited resilient love,


Do you know another strong woman who you’d like to see relax, understand her value, ungrit her teeth and not have to work so hard? Bring her along !

Ready to find out more about the course?

Wild Spirit Leadership

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